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Ordering Numbers Turkey Math Craft

What I love about holiday weeks is the it’s the chance to sit back, relax a little, and have FUN! Here’s a simple and engaging review of ordering numbers. This Ordering Numbers Turkey Math Craftivity reviews ordering numbers from least to greatest or greatest to least.

Catch the student’s engagement with a Mystery Bag! You’ll see your students’ eyes get super wide when you pull this out! It’s super simple (and cheap!) to make. Take a paper bag- it can be any color or size. I used a brown paper gift bag. Add something fun and engaging that students know it’s the Mystery Bag. I colored question marks on mine (And no, I didn’t free draw those question marks…. they are definitely stencils!)

In this math craftivity, I prepped the number feathers by printing off the number pages on different feather-colored pages. You can either print off all the numbers or select the number range (see below for some different practice options). You can either cut out each feather or just do the ol’ chop down the middle and sides so the students can cut out their own feathers. You can also copy the numbers on white paper and have the students color.


This craftivity allows for several differentiation options. You can differentiate for the whole class depending on your grade, class, specific students, and/or the targeted skill. Keep the engagement fun- if you have a diverse set of learners, divide the students into different colored or numbered groups. Make a Mystery Bag for each group.

When students come up to pick their mystery numbers they will go to their group’s bag.

  • Numbers 1-10
  • Numbers 1-20
  • Only 2-digit numbers
  • Only 3-digit numbers

Have students cut and make the turkey body, then order the feathers then glue. This is an important step! It’s a bummer when students have to rip off the feathers because they glued them down without checking. You can have them raise their hand after they have put their numbers in order from least to greatest or greatest to least to check if they are correct. Then you can give them the recording sheet to glue under their turkey to practice writing the numbers.

Put these cuties out in the hallway to show the whole school your class can “math”!

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