7 Engaging Math Read Aloud Books for 2nd Grade

Wait, what?! Reading books during my math lesson? And the answer is a big fat YES! I love using read aloud books during my math time that connect with the math skill I’m teaching.

Incorporating literacy into math will increase engagement and give students a better visual on how the math skill works.

I’d love to share with you some of my favorite math read aloud books that I use. I have too many favorites so I’ve made another list of 7 Implementable Math Read Aloud Books for 2nd Grade you can check out to see how those books also fit into your lessons.

12 Ways to Get to 11

by Eve Merriam

This book is a counting book that shows decomposing (breaking apart) the number 11. It shows the different combinations you can make using different items to make 11. This is a great way to get kids thinking about counting everyday objects in their world.

Skill: Number Patterns and Counting

A Place for Zero

by Angeline Spargna LoPresti

The character Zero is on a journey to find his purpose so he can fit in with the other numbers. This math adventure leads Zero to find his identity as a place value digit and his use in multiplication. At the end, he is rejuvenated with purpose.

Skills: Place Value, Multiplication

Apple Fractions

by Jerry Pallotta

Who doesn’t love a good apple? This read aloud book is a fantastic way to help introduce students to the concept of fractions. You’ll teach halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, and sevenths, and a mental challenge with ninths. Each page not only shows fractions but it also teaches apple types- bonus!

Skill: Fractions

Bart’s Amazing Charts

by Dianne Ochiltree

Show your students that graphs actually have a purpose in real life! Students will see Bart using different kinds of charts and graphs to represent information in his everyday life. He realizes through this process how unique he really is.

Skill: Data and Probability

Even Steven and Odd Todd

by Kathryn Cristaldi

Steven and Todd are cousins with quite different personalities. This story shows how Steven likes everything to have a pair, but Todd likes it when there is always one thing left over. This is a humorous and engaging read aloud book to introduce even and odd concepts.

Skill: Even and Odd Numbers

How Big is a Foot?

By Rolf Myller

My students are always engaged in this story of a king trying to make the perfect gift for his queen. He orders a bed to be made for the queen’s birthday, but there is some trouble knowing how long to make it since beds hadn’t been invented yet. Students will realize the importance of standardization in measurement in building things.

Skill: Measurement

Math Counts: Patterns

by Henry Pluckrose

This book is a part of the Math Counts series. This particular read aloud book students learn to recognize patterns in real-world examples that show how patterns are everywhere. A good extension for this would be a pattern scavenger hunt around your classroom or school.

Skill: Patterns

Your students will be completely engaged for your math lesson with these great math books!

I also have a second list of 6 Implementable Math Read Aloud Books for 2nd Grade you can check out and add those books to your growing math books library!

Happy Teaching!

Hi there

I’m Katie, a teacher just like you!

And just like you, I love giving my students engaging activities to promote learning at the highest levels. My passion is growing and developing all my students using best practices. 

And, I am here to help and empower you as the teacher. My desire is to equip you with strategies and helpful classroom management tips to make your teaching and your classroom the best they can be!




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